These newlyweds were ready to make this house a home by personalizing the brand new property they recently purchased. With all the entertaining they do, they wanted the dining room to be the star of the home. Wallpaper, artwork, lighting and accessories did the trick. New furnishings and finishes throughout the home were carefully selected with this young couple’s discerning taste in mind.
If you need some assistance in designing and decorating your home, let me help! I’m always available for design consultations if you’re located in the Southern California area. My Interior Design office is located in La Verne, California. Please visit my website and email me for rates and more info. I offer affordable and comparable rates. I’d love to help you make your house a home!
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Wow! Very impressive!!
My name is Robert Gates. I am the owner/president of a new Art & Antique Gallery "Gates Family Exchange" located in Chino Ca. 13615 twelfth st Unit A. Our goal and committment is supporting so cal local Artists. We believe that the culture and talent in our communities is bar-none and that by featuring these talents we can help promote the success and growth of our Artists. For more info please call (909)203-9521 or email [email protected], Facebook "Gates Family Exchange"
Thank you,
Robert Gates