I’m over at Houzz today sharing my top 20 favorite shower curtains. I must admit, I prefer a glass enclosure over a shower curtain, but some homeowners have no other option but to use a shower curtain. If you have no other choice than to use a shower curtain, make it a beautiful one! Here are some of my favorite shower curtains that are sure to beautify any bathroom! These are a few things on my list: Contact a profe
As I was scrolling through my design files this weekend, I took note of how many images I’m drawn to that are host to black and white interiors. I’ve decided that my next home will be decked out in a black and white color palette, with touches of raw wood (this could quite possible change within the next month or so, but as of late, I’m totally digging this look!). Wha
Makeover Monday: bathroom remodel tips Hi everyone! I trust you all had a fabulous weekend! Can you believe we’re half way through November?! I’m meeting with a client this morning to present my design concept to them for their master bath remodel. Wish me luck! Here’s a sneak peek into what I’ve chosen for them! A couple of things that I took into consideration when designing their 70 s
Today I’m heading to Pasadena with my client to pick out some bathroom hardware for the master bath remodel that I’ve been designing. Even if you’re not remodeling your entire bathroom, there are a bunch of cheap and chic ways to freshen up your space! Here’s a handful to get you going! 1. Add fresh flowers. 2. If you’re running out of space to store toiletries, keep the overf
Ally, From the Right Bank, is at it again with her 3rd installment of “WHAT’S YOUR STYLE IN ONE PICTURE?” challenge. And, boy oh boy, this IS a challenge! The mixing of decades and styles, old and new, neutrals and colors has alwasy held a special place in my design heart. I’ve never been able to say, “THIS is my favorite style”, only because there are so many styles out there and