Mongolian Sheepskin for $69.95?!! Hell-OOO! I’ll take 7 please! I was recently introduced to Pillow Decor by Rebecca over at Digital Dollhouse and I couldn’t be more pleased with this Fresh Find! Not only do they have a huge inventory of assorted pillows, they have unbeatable prices! Pillow Decor’s website,, offers consumers a selection of over 1000 quality decorative pillows in a wide
Shannon is another Blogger who I recently became a big fan of! Her (super cute) blog: What’s Up Whimsy, if full of fun! She’s got a quirky sense of humor that shines through her writing. I love popping over there, for a daily dose of eye candy and a giggle or two! Shannon wraps up with week with what home means to her. I just want to start off by thanking Jami for asking me to guest post today. I ha
Today’s post is brought to you by my dear sweet friend, Ashlina {the decorista}. Ashlina and I became friends a few months back (on Twitter, of course) and found out that we live really close to each other and we’ve been hanging out, going to design and blogging events ever since! Ashlina has truly been a blessing to me, in that we have a lot in common and share many interests, so I always have someone to
I recently became acquainted with this Blogger not too long ago. I’m not sure exactly how Emily and I met (most likely through Twitter!), but I am in love with her blog: Emily A. Clark: ideas, inspirations & musings of a home stylist. She is always coming up with the greatest of ideas like this one and this one! So without further ado, lets let Emily show us what home means to her. image via The
I’m so completely honored that this next fabulous Blogger is here telling us today what home means to her. The lovely Paloma of La Dolce Vita takes us inside the space that she calls home. Paloma’s blog was the very first design blog that I remember reading, even before I knew what blogging was! I was so inspired by her and her writing abilities, I just had to know what this blogging world was all ab