I’m thankful for…
this California home and life I have created and for that Minnesota home and family that I miss dearly on holidays like these.
This year, I have much to be thankful for:
love, family, friends, health and fulfilling dreams one step at a time
“thank you”
for the support that you have all given to imagine
Readers, clients, friends and other bloggers alike; your comments, messages and tweets encourage me and always brighten my day. If I had all of your addresses and thousands of stamps, I would be sending each of you a thank you note personally.
I wish you all a very wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy every second of the day, be thankful, and safe travels! I’ll be back to blogging on Monday…
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Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving, Jami!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for California, too! hehe (: Happy Thanksgiving!