There are times in my life when I remind myself that the only way I get to know myself and discover true peace and happiness, is to stay put. All my life, I’ve dealt with the notion that the grass is always greener on the other side. My tendency has always been to pick up and go and not stay in one place too long. Who’s a mover and a shaker like me? And what do you do when you’re feeling the “itch”?
“You cannot see yourself in running water, only in still water.”
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Very true and earnest thoughts and wisdom. Love that image too.
When I feel the itch I try to focus on the things I know I should me more grateful for – it helps to ground my thoughts. Hugs! xo
You know me! I've always had this issue, too. But, thankfully, I haven't had the "itch" too much since I got to Portland. I do think about living overseas again or giving California a whirl for a while. I just remind myself that there will always be opportunities for travel — which I think is the real root of that love of a change of scenery that I have — and as long as I give myself a healthy dose of vacation every couple years, I think I will be fully happy here. Also, I have "moments" with this city when I'm absolutely in love with it and I try to suck those in as much as I can. For instance, when I drive across one of the many bridges connecting downtown to my side of the city, I take a deep breath and absolutely rejoice in the beauty: driving across the river, seeing all those different and beautiful bridges, the cityscape and the water and, on clear days, the two mountains (Hood and St. Helens). It reminds me why I chose here.
Jami, I wish I was a a bit more of mover, Im so scared of changes and movements, I see what you mean but it might be a blessing sometimes. xoxo
i love this. great post jami
Beautiful post- love Eat, Pray, Love.
I am not a big fan of change, so I am not much of a mover. But right now, my life has been about change…well the last 6-7 months really…and it's continuing with my move at the end of the month. Ch ch ch changes… 🙂
Oh, how I love this post. I do get the itch. I try and stay positive and focused. But, there is always a yearning deep within. I love EPL.
GREAT quote!!! I redecorate! 😉
GREAT quote!!! I redecorate! 😉
i love you jami goldsmith! 🙂 perfect photo for thought…..